Dn : Let n≥3, Dihedral group is a symmetrical regular n-gon denote by Dn
- The order of Dn is 2n
- Let D4 be the group of all symmetries of the square with the operation being function composition. Denote pn by rotate n degree. Denote r be reflection. Denote the square with side a,b,c,d. D means Dihedral
Zn: the binary operations addition modulo n on the set {0,1,…,n−1}
- If g is co-prime of n for group Zn, then ⟨g⟩=Zn is a cyclic group
- ∀k,k∣n⟹⟨n/k⟩ is unique subgroup of Zn of order k
- Every infinite cyclic group is isomorphic to Z
- Every finite cyclic group is isomorphic to some Zn
U(n)=Un: the binary operations multiplication modulo n on the set {0,1,…,n−1}
Uk(n): ∀k∣n,Uk(n)={x∈U(n):xmodk=1}s
Sn: (Symmetric group) stand the group of injective functions from {1,…,n} to {1,…,n}
- S3 is the "same group" as D3 by order
- ∣Sn∣=n!
- even permutation in Sn forms a subgroup of Sn
- σ∈Sn,σ=(i1j1)…(imjm) then sgn=1 when even, else odd
- sign function of multiplication Sn is a homomorphism
- Any subgroup of Sn acts on the n−element set {1,…,n}
An: alternating group of degree n or the group of even permutations of n symbols
∀n≤3⟺An is abelian
commutator subgroup of Sn
GLn(R) or GL(n,R)={all invertible real-valued n×n matrices}={all invertible linear operators Rn→Rn matrices}
the determinant is a homomorphism
- SLn(R) is the kernel of the determinant function map GLn(R)→R×
GLn(R)=GL(n,R)={n×n matrices of non-zero determinants with coefficients from the field R}